Monday, April 2, 2012

And baby makes 3!!

Sooooo...rumor is Nicholas and I are going to have a baby.  The rumor is true!  Lil baby Sullivan is expected October 6!  We are both so excited and nervous and feel so blessed that this is happening.

How it all began....

January 31st was the day my life changed forever.  It was a normal Tuesday as I walked into work.  I was alone and thought, hmm....maybe I should take a pregnancy test.  NEVER did I actually think it would be positive. Then, bamm, it turned positive in about 4 seconds and I hit the bathroom floor.  Yes, literally  I stayed there for what seemed like a while until I could catch by breath and realize that I had opened the pharmacy and I was the only one there.  Once I composed myself, I hid the test in my purse, poured my coffee down the drain (I heard no caffeine while you're pregnant), and panic set in.  I couldn't call Nicholas because he was at work.  When he works on the floor at the hospital he has to go into the stairwell to talk so I only call if I need something.  In my mind, if I called him and told him the news, he would fall down the stairs and I would have a much bigger issue on my hands. Like being a single mom. So I waited. And waited. And prayed.  And looked at that test in my purse a hundred times.  After work I went and bought three more pregnancy tests and waited for Nicholas to come home.  When he walked in the door, the tv was off and most of the lights were off.  The first thing he said was "Oh my gosh Brittany who died?"  My only response was "Umm...I'm pregnant."  Not quite how I ever expected to share such exciting news.  He ask how sure was I and I showed him the four positive tests.  We both felt like that wasn't assurance enough so we went and bought 3 more.  I know how beyond ridiculous that sounds but we were scared out of our minds.  After those 3 came back positive he was determined I was doing it wrong and offered to pee on one himself.  It was exactly the comic relief I needed in such a serious moment.   The rest of the night we stared at each other not really knowing what else to do.

I knew from our first date I would marry Nicholas.  I knew he would make an incredible husband and father.  That night affirmed everything over and over again.  After I told him, he wanted us to pray.  He led the most beautiful prayer I've ever heard.  I was very emotional and the things he said that night to me will stay in my heart forever. 

My emotions have been much better since that night.  We flew to Duke the following weekend which was perfect because it kept me from spending time with our family so I wouldn't let the news slip.  We told the news to our parents first, then siblings, then close friends.  I probably have the best memories of telling my best friend Allison, our friends in Birmingham (which will require a total separate post for good reason) and my sisters-in-law. Every day the realization of the fact that we are going to be parents sinks in even more.  I feel sooooo blessed that God has chosen us to be parents and don't want to take a single moment for granted.  I know everything will be totally different from here out.  My mother has made sure I am prepared for that one fact.  We put everything in God's hands a long time ago so with him in the middle of it all I know I have nothing to worry about.  I trust in him, his timing, and his ability to make miracles happen. 

SO now that the sappy details are out of the way, here's to the fun stuff...

How far:  I am officially 13 weeks and in my second trimester!!!!  I was SUPER pumped about hitting that mark and so far I just can't complain about my pregnancy at all.

Symptoms:  My acid reflux is awful (but it was bad before) and I still get nauseous but I can deal with it.  I have my energy back which is just exciting.  I was coming home and falling asleep before 7:30 for a few weeks.  I thought in pharmacy school I had learned what exhaustion was but boy was I wrong!  Over the last 2 weeks my appetite has really picked up.  I'm hungry allllllll the time.  Just ask my co-workers or my husband.  He said one day, "Wow, I just never knew you could put back that much food." In fact it may have been after I had the quarter pounder extra value meal and took it DOWN in a matter of minutes.  Not that it's uncommon to eat that, I'll just leave out what I had eaten right before. :)  I always wanted to eat very organic when I got pregnant but I never expected to have so many aversions.  Just looking at certain foods makes me gag.  So hopefully in the coming weeks that will all go away.

Cravings:  None really.  More aversions but those are going away.  I love marinara so anything with that is good.  And salty foods, not sweet.  It constantly changes.

Belly bump:  I'm voting no, not yet.  If you see me, you can be the judge.  Some days I look like a have a little one, some days I don't.  So as of right now I contribute it to bloat and probably the cheeseburger I just ate. 

Looking forward to:  I can't wait to feel the little munchkin move.  I don't feel very pregnant right now so I think when that happens it will set in.  We also will possibly find out the gender in 10 more days!! My doctor is awesome and is going to give it a go at my 15 week appointment. 

Gender:  I am 99% positive it's a girl.  But I do love when anyone asks me what I think it is, I catch such grief with comments like "you should just be thankful if it's healthy."  So just to clarify- I really do NOT care what this sweet lil baby will be.  A boy or girl does not matter at all.  I just simply think it's a girl, and so does Nicholas, and our sisters, and most of my friends.  Just my opinion, everyone has one.  I'm just excited to get to be a mom!!!

Weight gain:  let's just say yes.  My scale broke last week which is killing me.  I don't want to look like a beached whale this summer so I plan on getting a new one ASAP.  But as of last week I had gained 3.5lbs and reached my heaviest weight ever. Proud moment right there.

And now for some pictures...... Meet Baby Sullivan!!!

 Can you believe something so small is about to change everything so much?  Crazy. 
The proof was in the pudding.  They were all positive even if they don't look like it.  And yes, we bought multiple brands to make sure they were accurate. HA!

And now for the ridiculous part.....Baby Sullivan has acquired allllll of this before he/she is even the size of a plum.  That's right kids.  A plum.  So a proper thank you needs to go to Kelly, Brenna, Lindsey, Mrs. Lauren, Kat, Allison, Jessie, and Sara for showing us just how much you love us and just how loved this baby will be.  I cried opening every single one of these gifts and I can't tell you just how much it means to me and Nicholas.  I never expected or deserve any of it.  When I say we have the greatest friends, we really do.  And yes, that baby already is racking up on the UT gear!!  Baby Vol in the making!!  My mother has decided to spoil my waist line and not the baby just yet and buy me a never ending supply of "stretchy pants" so her baby won't be squished in my jeans (haha) so thanks to you too, Momma! 

That's all I have for tonight.  No belly pictures just yet, but soon. 

And these two wanted to share how excited they are to be big brothers.  I can't leave them out, after all they are my first children.

So until next time feel free to leave your vote for the gender of the baby in the comments section.  Since more people are finding out, a boy may be taking the lead.  If you believe in old wives tales the baby's heartbeat was 177 at week 9 and 178 at week 11.  If you aren't sure what that points to then you have a 50/50 shot anyway.  Go for it!!!  And a big thank you to everyone who has already sent their love!!  Looks like this journey is about to get a lot more exciting!!!

See you back soon!!


  1. Best blog post ever ever ever!!! I can't wait to know if the tiny one is a boy or a girl!!! I love you!!

  2. FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm voting girl, only because I think she will be BEAUTIFUL and make the perfect wife for Tuck !!!!
    He He He He Love you all so much !!!
