Sunday, March 11, 2012

Best weekend ever? Quite possibly.

So, obviously I'm already behind on blog posting after just one post.  This should come as a surprise to no one.  But I've been so excited to blog about our weekend in Birmingham a few weekends ago and here it is.

I had not been to Birmingham since October and Nicholas hadn't been since last May.  Crazy considering we lived there for so long.  We were so excited to get in some quality time with our friends and the weekend did not disappoint!!  We actually didn't arrive until about 1:30 AM Saturday morning.  We were so exhausted but to be woken up on Saturday by Ava and Bella's giggles was by far the best alarm clock ever.  We had a girls day brunch (no babies, can you believe I even let that happen?) on Saturday at the cutest little place in Mountain Brook. 

All Kelly could talk about that morning was their cake so I knew if the food was a disappointment, the dessert would not be.  All the girls were able to be there except for Katie Dyer and we had the best time catching up, eating, and just spending time together without interruptions.  And Kelly....the cake did not disappointment.  I mean look how excited this girl is. It's like Christmas morning, pure happiness and joy.

I love each one of these girls SO much.  A quick recap on how I know them: "Mrs. Lauren" (Samford shirt) was one of my very first friends when I moved to Alabama and was going to Samford undergrad.  She was best friends with Brenna (my right), who just happened to be in her first year of pharmacy school, and was also sorority sisters with her.  Mrs. Lauren introduced me to Brenna where she became my "rx friend" and essentially got me through pharmacy school.  I can say CONFIDENTLY that I do not think I would have gotten through it without her. Kat (far right, cute blonde), was also one of my friends from undergrad.  We met because we had both transferred to Samford.  Loved her now for 8 years and if you spend 2 minutes with her you would see why and love her too.  She met the other girls at my bachelorette party and the rest is history.  Kelly, (adorable red head) is the wife of JJ, one of my husbands dearest friends.  I remember the night I was going to meet her.  Nicholas said "you all are so much alike you will end up being best friends." Wow, well, he kinda nailed that one.  Lindsey, (far left) is the wife of Josh, who is the brother of JJ.  So Kelly and Lindsey are sisters-in-laws.  Actually, Brenna married Justin, the other brother, so she is also a Koch sister-in-law as well.  Crazy, right? Lindsey is so sweet and kind and we are so thankful they ended up moving to Birmingham.  I first met her at JJ and Kelly's wedding. It was just destined that we all ended up in each others lives.  We've been there for every wedding, baby, shower, graduation, you name it.  They make me happy that you don't have to be related to be family.  OH, and if you ever hear me talk about my three nieces in Bham, that would be Ava, Bella, and Emily.  Ava and Bella belong to Kelly and Emily belongs to Lindsey.  Not by blood, but I still claim them.  Once you see pictures of them you can totally see why.

SO, figured all that out yet?  We ended up having a cook out that night where I do believe I have never laughed and cried (happy tears) so much, ever.  We created a lot of those memories where I have a feeling that every time we are together it will be brought up.  No one caught the yard on fire (yes, that's happened) and no holes were put in their walls (yes, I would be responsible for that).The weekend ended with a visit to Jim-N-Nick's.  It's mine and Nicholas's favorite BBQ restaurant.  There actually may have been enough that happened in that weekend to require a second blog post.  But at my rate, don't count it.  Enjoy the pics and until next time....
Britt :)

The gang!!  Minus Ava and Bella who were already asleep.  I love you guys!!!

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