Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ethan's Nursery

Since I found out I was having a little boy, I started dreaming about what I wanted his nursery to be like.  I wanted it to be all about him, and not something he (or we) would grow tired of in a few months.  So....
Rule #1: NO THEME.  That's just my own personal preference and Nicholas's by default.  I really wanted to do colors and that's it.
I decided on navy and lime green and really knew that was it after I saw my friend Kori's nursery.  I you are feeling frisky, you can check out her blog here: It's funny and sassy and you will oooohhh and awwww at her newest addition, Tucker.  So, while at her baby shower, I proceeded to steal plenty of nursery ideas from her as she did the exact thing I wanted to do.  Look at how precious that baby is of hers.  Allie and I fought over who could hold him more.
Then a dilemma hit.  We are building a house and Nicholas tells me he will have me in it by Christmas.  Ethan's expected the first week of October.  I thought to myself, "Why plan and do a nursery when he probably won't be in it but a couple weeks?"  I decided to not do a nursery, I told myself.  I'll just keep him in the bassinet in our bedroom and set the pack and play up in the den and then there is the swing and what not.  Well, that lasted all about a week when I woke up one Friday morning in complete panic.  I walked by the room that I had planned on being his room and realized he needed a nursery. STAT.  I got on the internet, ordered a crib and mattress,  some more baby things, and then cleaned like a crazy lady.  Apparently this is 'nesting' and it hasn't quite stopped.  So without further ado, I present you Ethan's nursery! Well....the rental house nursery:
Craft time!!
The letters are from Hobby Lobby.  I bought mod podge and pretty scrap book paper and went to town.  Attach some ribbon on the back and you will see the final result below.
The dresser was mine from when I was a tot.  It was oak and has been good to me through pharmacy school and our marriage. It also made the perfect dresser for the nursery.  I read on pinterest the best way to paint wood.  So off I went to the Home Depot, bought some spray paint, sand paper, a good MASK, and some new hardware, and transformed that puppy!  I felt like Martha Stewart and was on cloud nine, then Nicholas flipped.  He thought I was staining it to match the crib.  Um, no. Boring.   He's not a fan of the navy.  Good thing I didn't ask what he thought about my idea before it was already painted!  He likes the total package now though.
Bumpers....apparently we all had them as children but now if you have them you are evil.  Whatever.  I read the warnings and decided I still wanted them.  These are thin, super soft, and I love them.  I don't want him sticking his little arms and legs through the crib.  I ordered the bumper from amazon, went and bought some ribbon, and had a party with hot glue and fabric glue.  I ordered the crib skirt as well and plan on doing some crafting on it, too.
My living room looking like a total disaster while Nicholas and Aunt Jessie assemble the crib.  I ate a snack and watched.  Good work you two.
Staying up late to put it all together!
My precious momma
Annnnd the final product!!!!
The crib is from Target.  Monkey came from Pier1. 
Hope those letters look straight.  Totally winged that.  I also chose to have a bed in his room.  That was rule #2.  I wanted my family and friends to stay with us when they came to visit. 
I replaced pictures I had in there with his ultrasounds and navy and lime green backgrounds.
The big E came from my shower in Tn that I spray painted to match the dresser.  The ribbon came from my B'ham shower that I hot glued on to match (thanks hostesses!).  The lamp shade was a gift from his Auntie Allison and it is sitting on the perfect lime green base from Target.  Another find by Allison.  When I came home from work when my mom was here, she surprised me with the changing pad, cover, and the basket beside of it that holds....stuff?  Thanks, Gammie!
Overall, I'm pleased.  We didn't paint the walls because we aren't going to be here too much longer.  But I like it and I hope he does, too!!
The only other problem was closet space.  Nicholas and I are maxed out and I didn't know where I was going to put everything.  My mother-in-law suggested that I take everything out of this random closet we have in our living room, that pretty much had decorations and junk we didn't put anywhere else, and make it his closet.  So yesterday, I did just that!  He now has a closet with awesome, contemporary wood paneling!
In other notes....
I think the good Lord is letting Ethan's first holiday be Halloween instead of Christmas so that he can ease into the craziness that is my house during the holidays.  I had to get him some outfits to celebrate!  I can't wait to spend the holidays with him.  It's gonna be fun!!  I usually start decorating for Christmas in October but plan on scaling wayyyy back this year.  Like only one tree. That my friends is called restraint but I also realize I will be very sleep deprived.
So that's about it for right now.  I haven't posted a belly pic in a while so I'll post my 33 week below.  I even coordinated with the nursery colors.  Totally planned that.  We had a great check up at the doctor yesterday.  He weighs 5 pounds 12 ounces.  I won't tell you what the first estimate was, but me and the ultrasound tech both panicked so I made her remeasure him.  I only slightly hyperventilated thinking about how big he is going to get and that somehow he has to come out.  So sweet Ethan, if you want to stop being such an over-achiever in the weight category until you are OUTSIDE my belly, I will feed you ice cream when you get here.  I love you.
If you have any tips for our nursery or what was a life-saver in yours I would LOVE to hear it!  Post a comment below or you can always facebook me.
Have a great week and since the Hunger Games released on DVD this week, may the odds be ever in your favor :) (I know, nerd comment)


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